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Gepostet 10 Monate her von Frank Tavernier
Dear community,
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Stine Rüger gepostet 10 Monate her Administrator Beste Antwort
Dear Frank,
you find your serial number in your license status, when you open MAXQDA and click on the blue (i).
The serial number is only shown when you use a single-user, student or semester license.
If you use a network or university license please contact the person in charge of MAXQDA to activate AI Assist.
Here you find more information: What is a serial number? : MAXQDA Support
Please Submit a ticket : MAXQDA Support so we can help you to find your serial number.
Best regards,
MAXQDA Support Team
1 Kommentare
Stine Rüger gepostet 10 Monate her Administrator Antwort
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Dear community,
0 Stimmen
Stine Rüger gepostet 10 Monate her Administrator Beste Antwort
Dear Frank,
you find your serial number in your license status, when you open MAXQDA and click on the blue (i).
The serial number is only shown when you use a single-user, student or semester license.
If you use a network or university license please contact the person in charge of MAXQDA to activate AI Assist.
Here you find more information: What is a serial number? : MAXQDA Support
Please Submit a ticket : MAXQDA Support so we can help you to find your serial number.
Best regards,
MAXQDA Support Team
0 Stimmen
1 Kommentare
Stine Rüger gepostet 10 Monate her Administrator Antwort
Dear Frank,
you find your serial number in your license status, when you open MAXQDA and click on the blue (i).
The serial number is only shown when you use a single-user, student or semester license.
If you use a network or university license please contact the person in charge of MAXQDA to activate AI Assist.
Here you find more information: What is a serial number? : MAXQDA Support
Please Submit a ticket : MAXQDA Support so we can help you to find your serial number.
Best regards,
MAXQDA Support Team
0 Stimmen
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