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Gepostet 3 Monate her von Yovani Anavee
Grateful if you can advice how to deactivate the license on a broken laptop so that the license key can be used on the new laptop. Thanks
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Camilla Heldt gepostet 2 Monate her Administrator
Dear Yovani,
Thank you for your request.
Please note that we have converted it to a Freshdesk ticket and will get back to you soon with an answer/solution.
In case of a general deactivation, please contact us. We can deactivate the licence from your device manually.
Kind regards from the MAXQDA Support Team
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Grateful if you can advice how to deactivate the license on a broken laptop so that the license key can be used on the new laptop. Thanks
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1 Kommentare
Camilla Heldt gepostet 2 Monate her Administrator
Dear Yovani,
Thank you for your request.
Please note that we have converted it to a Freshdesk ticket and will get back to you soon with an answer/solution.
In case of a general deactivation, please contact us. We can deactivate the licence from your device manually.
Kind regards from the MAXQDA Support Team
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