Import SSPS Datei / Excel

Posted about 2 months ago by Mirela

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Beim Import werden nur Codes übernommen aber keine Variablen. Survey aus Qualtrics für Quantitative + Qualitative Analyse.

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Stine Rüger

Stine Rüger posted about 2 months ago Admin Best Answer

Dear Mirela, 

Thank you for your message. I have created a ticket for your issue. 

In case of any concrete data or problems, it is better to submit directly a ticket. 

Best regards, 

Your MAXQDA Support Team

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Stine Rüger

Stine Rüger posted about 2 months ago Admin Answer

Dear Mirela, 

Thank you for your message. I have created a ticket for your issue. 

In case of any concrete data or problems, it is better to submit directly a ticket. 

Best regards, 

Your MAXQDA Support Team

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