Hi. A couple of years ago I committed to using MaxQDA for my dissertation. Well I need steps that I can follow. I have 378 initial codes. I’ve tried and it is truly too much. Can MaxQDA support 378 codes?
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Wolfgang Meyerposted
8 months ago
Dear Devia,
From a technical point of view, MAXQDA should not have any problems in handling 378 codes. From a methodological perspective it would certainly be helpful to organize them well in a code hierarchy (codes and subcodes). If you have only done initial coding, it may already help to group them by creating new parent codes.
You find a lot of research examples to follow in the free books from MAXQDA press, such as "The Practice of Qualitative Data Analysis I & II" https://www.maxqda-press.com/
I hope this helps! In case of any remaining questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Best regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,
Hi. A couple of years ago I committed to using MaxQDA for my dissertation. Well I need steps that I can follow. I have 378 initial codes. I’ve tried and it is truly too much. Can MaxQDA support 378 codes?
0 Votes
Wolfgang Meyer posted 8 months ago Admin
Dear Devia,
From a technical point of view, MAXQDA should not have any problems in handling 378 codes. From a methodological perspective it would certainly be helpful to organize them well in a code hierarchy (codes and subcodes). If you have only done initial coding, it may already help to group them by creating new parent codes.
You find a lot of research examples to follow in the free books from MAXQDA press, such as "The Practice of Qualitative Data Analysis I & II" https://www.maxqda-press.com/
I hope this helps! In case of any remaining questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Best regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,
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