Focus Group Speakers & Variable Statistics

Posted 3 months ago by Danielle Jacques

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Danielle Jacques

Hello - I have a few questions about working with focus group speakers. There are a few specific things I wish to do but I haven't been able to achieve. Are the following even possible in MAXQDA? My data is focus group transcripts with the speakers identified both as codes and variables. I have hundreds if not thousands of individual speakers so activating speakers manually is not an option.

1. Activate Focus Group speakers by code: identify and activate only the speakers who have contributed to X code. I know the code matrix browser shows frequency across speakers but I want to take it a step further and activate only the speakers with 1+ contribution in certain codes

2. Run speaker statistics on *only* the activated speakers, not every speaker. (This ties into #1 - I have many, many speakers and cannot be activating them manually before doing this step)

3. View statistics on speaker variables like age in groups, not as individual entries. I.e., rather than a frequency chart showing 18, 19, 20, 21,... as the ages, I wish to see groupings such as 18-30, 31-50, 51-70...

Thanks in advance!

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Wolfgang Meyer posted 3 months ago Admin

Dear Danielle,

Thank you for your questions. Unfortunately, the Focus Group speaker codes are more limited in their functionality compared to document variables. We will do our best to answer your questions one by one.

1. We do not see a direct way to activate them based on code occurrence. However, you can analyse them with the help of the code relations browser. Just select the focus group speakers as rows and the codes as columns.

2. To achieve this, open "Variables > Data Editor for Speaker Variables". In the overview limit the selection to "only activated speakers". Lastly, click on "Statistics". This will give you the statistics for only the activated speakers.

3. For this, you need to create a new variable that represent age groups. It would be best to export the variables to excel, copy the column and then replace the values with groups (e.g. 20-29, 30-39).

We hope this helps!


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