Hello! I created document sets. I want to only work with the documents in the set but there is a link that hinders the workflow: If I click on a document in the set, the cursor jumps on the linked document in the original folder "documents". I always have to scroll down, back to the documet sets. How can I disabled that link ? Thank you!
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Wolfgang Meyerposted
6 months ago
Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, we don't see a way to prevent MAXQDA from moving up again after selecting a document. I have reported your experience to our development team so that they can consider it in the further development of MAXQDA. Best regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team, Wolfgang
Hello! I created document sets. I want to only work with the documents in the set but there is a link that hinders the workflow: If I click on a document in the set, the cursor jumps on the linked document in the original folder "documents". I always have to scroll down, back to the documet sets. How can I disabled that link ?
Thank you!
0 Votes
Wolfgang Meyer posted 6 months ago Admin
Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, we don't see a way to prevent MAXQDA from moving up again after selecting a document. I have reported your experience to our development team so that they can consider it in the further development of MAXQDA.
Best regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,
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