Data Security

Posted about 2 hours ago by Margarita Flores-Sicich

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Margarita Flores-Sicich

Hola Everyone!  I am a graduate student assisting a professor (prof). I purchased MAXQDA for my own use, but I was thinking of using it for coding of prof research.  Before I use it on prof research, I have some questions regarding where the data resides.  I think it resides on the local laptop in the documents folder, but I wanted to verify.  Here are my questions:

1) Where is data stored and processed? (for example, locally, cloud...)

2) When my subscription expires, does MAXQDA own any of my data?

3) If there is a breach at MAXQDA, what data is in jeopardy?  

4) How does MAXQDA protect against breaches?

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