Hi there - I have been trying to save a complex coding query so that I can retrieve the results as and when needed. So, in the complex coding query menu, I click ‘save’ and give the query a name. Initially, this seemed to be working fine as I could retrieve the query again by going back into the menu and clicking ‘open’. But then when I close the file at the end of the day and open it up again the next day the saved query seems to have disappeared, and I need to do the coding query all over again.
Is there a way to prevent this complex coding query save disappearing each time I close down MAXQDA?
Thank you.
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Camilla Heldtposted
3 months ago
Dear Jack,
Thank you for your inquiry.
Please be informed, that we converted the issue to a ticket and will get back to you with a solution as quickly as possible.
Hi there - I have been trying to save a complex coding query so that I can retrieve the results as and when needed. So, in the complex coding query menu, I click ‘save’ and give the query a name. Initially, this seemed to be working fine as I could retrieve the query again by going back into the menu and clicking ‘open’. But then when I close the file at the end of the day and open it up again the next day the saved query seems to have disappeared, and I need to do the coding query all over again.
Is there a way to prevent this complex coding query save disappearing each time I close down MAXQDA?
Thank you.
0 Votes
Camilla Heldt posted 3 months ago Admin
Dear Jack,
Thank you for your inquiry.
Please be informed, that we converted the issue to a ticket and will get back to you with a solution as quickly as possible.
Many thanks for your patience!
Best regards from the MAXQDA-Support-Team
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