In our project we used score extracts (i.e. from sheet music) where the focus group participants compare and contrast aspects. Going through the transcripts it was great to find the link option (anchors) yet, it looks like each text or image selected for this purpose can only be linked to another one once. Is there a way to have 2+ transcript sections reference (i.e. link to an anchor) the same spot in an image? Another thing that seems to block this use case is that the areas can't overlap if I'm seeing it correctly.
This needn't be through links/anchors. I shortly considered using codes, but I feel this would get cumbersome and nondescript as the reference can be anything from a small symbol to a few bars (hence why the not-being-able-to-overlap also causes issues).
This is not only to quickly see what the transcript is referring to, but it might well offer a kind of map of what aspects are discussed more or less when viewing and evaluating the excerpts.
In our project we used score extracts (i.e. from sheet music) where the focus group participants compare and contrast aspects. Going through the transcripts it was great to find the link option (anchors) yet, it looks like each text or image selected for this purpose can only be linked to another one once. Is there a way to have 2+ transcript sections reference (i.e. link to an anchor) the same spot in an image? Another thing that seems to block this use case is that the areas can't overlap if I'm seeing it correctly.
This needn't be through links/anchors. I shortly considered using codes, but I feel this would get cumbersome and nondescript as the reference can be anything from a small symbol to a few bars (hence why the not-being-able-to-overlap also causes issues).
This is not only to quickly see what the transcript is referring to, but it might well offer a kind of map of what aspects are discussed more or less when viewing and evaluating the excerpts.
Thanks in advance for any tips.
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