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Gepostet 5 Monate her von C
Hi all,
I'm new to MAXQDA and wanted to start off by importing my current zotero library , together with the attached files.
However, when importing the .ris file, the vast majority of PDFs fail to be imported. Moreover, there is no information about what went wrong.
From 83 references, only 3 PDFs are imported.
Thank you for your help beforehand,
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Camilla Heldt gepostet 5 Monate her Administrator Beste Antwort
Thank you for your inquiry.
We have built a special version for this behavior. Please download this version, the bug should be fixed then:
Please unzip the folder we sent you, and please perform this exe file:
Please also make sure, that you have the correct file structure for the Zotero import, that should look like this:
If it is still not working, or if you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Best regards from the MAXQDA-Support-Team
3 Kommentare
Stine Rüger gepostet 4 Monate her Administrator
We have resolved the issue with the latest version 24.6. Please upgrade to MAXQDA 24.6 and see if the issue still exists.
Best regards,
Your MAXQDA Support
Maria Alejandra Quintero gepostet 4 Monate her
Im having the same problem but Im using MAC not Windows, do you have a link for Mac?
Camilla Heldt gepostet 5 Monate her Administrator Antwort
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Hi all,
I'm new to MAXQDA and wanted to start off by importing my current zotero library , together with the attached files.
However, when importing the .ris file, the vast majority of PDFs fail to be imported. Moreover, there is no information about what went wrong.
From 83 references, only 3 PDFs are imported.
Thank you for your help beforehand,
Anhänge (2)
Screenshot 2....png
16.8 KB
Screenshot 2....png
23.2 KB
0 Stimmen
Camilla Heldt gepostet 5 Monate her Administrator Beste Antwort
Thank you for your inquiry.
We have built a special version for this behavior. Please download this version, the bug should be fixed then:
Please unzip the folder we sent you, and please perform this exe file:
Please also make sure, that you have the correct file structure for the Zotero import, that should look like this:
If it is still not working, or if you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Best regards from the MAXQDA-Support-Team
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3 Kommentare
Stine Rüger gepostet 4 Monate her Administrator
We have resolved the issue with the latest version 24.6. Please upgrade to MAXQDA 24.6 and see if the issue still exists.
Best regards,
Your MAXQDA Support
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Maria Alejandra Quintero gepostet 4 Monate her
Im having the same problem but Im using MAC not Windows, do you have a link for Mac?
0 Stimmen
Camilla Heldt gepostet 5 Monate her Administrator Antwort
Thank you for your inquiry.
We have built a special version for this behavior. Please download this version, the bug should be fixed then:
Please unzip the folder we sent you, and please perform this exe file:
Please also make sure, that you have the correct file structure for the Zotero import, that should look like this:
If it is still not working, or if you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Best regards from the MAXQDA-Support-Team
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