
Posted 4 months ago by Daniela Bonfat

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Daniela Bonfat

Good morning,

How are you?

I would like to ask for two pieces of information about the tool. First: is the program available in Portuguese or only in English? If it is only in English, is there a user guide in Portuguese?

Second question: My study is bibliometric on scientific productions. I will perform both qualitative and quantitative analysis, but I would like the tool mainly for quantitative analysis. Does the tool perform this function? Using data in Excel, such as the number of publications per year, the quantity of institutions, relationship networks, etc.

Thank you in advance.

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Wolfgang Meyer posted 4 months ago Admin

Hello Daniela,

Thank you for your questions!

1) Yes, you can switch the interface language of MAXQDA to Portugese. So you should be able to use it without any problems.

2) Yes, you can also do quantitive analysis with MAXQDA. If it matches exactly the analysis you have in mind can only be answered with your research data. We would just recommend to get the 2 weeks free trial and try it for yourself!

I hope this helps! In case of any remaining questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

Best regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,


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