I have a question concerning the calculation of cohens Kappa. We have a set of interviews which 2 coders coded with codecategories with subcodes. The overall cohens Kappa was easy enough to calculate, but I am wondering how we can calculate individual cohens kappa coefficients for each subcode? I couldn't find anything online, so maybe someone here knows? It would help us a lot! Thank you in advance!
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Wolfgang Meyerposted
6 months ago
To calculate the intercoder match for certain codes only, proceed as follows:
1. activate the desired codes in the code system
2. open the intercoder match under the ‘Analysis’ tab
3. make sure that the option ‘Only for activated codes’ is active
Hey everyone,
I have a question concerning the calculation of cohens Kappa. We have a set of interviews which 2 coders coded with codecategories with subcodes. The overall cohens Kappa was easy enough to calculate, but I am wondering how we can calculate individual cohens kappa coefficients for each subcode? I couldn't find anything online, so maybe someone here knows?
It would help us a lot! Thank you in advance!
0 Votes
Wolfgang Meyer posted 6 months ago Admin
To calculate the intercoder match for certain codes only, proceed as follows:
1. activate the desired codes in the code system
2. open the intercoder match under the ‘Analysis’ tab
3. make sure that the option ‘Only for activated codes’ is active
Best regards from the MAXQDA support team,
Wolfgang Meyer
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