Frequently Asked Questions about AI Chat

Modified on Wed, 19 Jun 2024 at 04:42 PM

Are AI Assist's chat responses accurate?

While the chat primarily delivers accurate results across scenarios, verifying the responses’ accuracy is essential, including checking the provided references. Your diligence ensures that you can confidently rely on the information provided by the chat.

Are the references to the original text passages correct?

As a rule, the references point to relevant text passages. In some cases, references are made to adjacent or inappropriate text passages. Therefore, it is crucial to check the references, especially in the case of document chats with very long texts containing many short paragraphs and segments chats with many segments.

Which languages does the chat support?

AI Assist’s AI Chat supports almost all widely spoken languages. The language of the text being analyzed may differ from the language you’re communicating with the chat. For example, you can ask questions in English when chatting with a document written in English. Typically, responses are provided in the language of your query. However, the chatbot may respond in English for languages less commonly used online.

Which document types can I chat with in MAXQDA?

You can chat with text documents and PDFs. However, please note that only text data is considered in PDFs. Images or image-based text are not included.

How large can the documents be?

The chat supports documents up to 100,000 characters long, approximately 25 pages, depending on formatting. Character limits may be lower for languages such as Japanese. MAXQDA will notify you if your selected document exceeds the chat’s capacity.

How many segments can I chat with?

The number of segments is not limited, but the chat can only be started if the segments together comprise a maximum of 100,000 characters. MAXQDA will inform you if the selection of segments exceeds the limit. It is also possible to chat with a single segment only, as long as it has a certain minimum length.

Can I chat with image segments?

No, it is only possible to chat with text segments.

Does the chat always give the same answer to the same question?

No. The answers may vary slightly, especially if the chat history has progressed. Even if you restart the chat and ask the same first question as in your last chat, the content of the answers will generally be similar, but the wording may differ.

See these manual chapters for more information about AI chats in MAXQDA:

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