Merge: quanti+quali

Posted 3 months ago by Mili

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I would like to merge the qualitative and quantitative data collected from the same participants with the same file names. The problem is that, no matter what method I try, the quantitative data is always just added as new files below the qualitative ones. For example, if I first import the interview transcriptions, the quantitative data will be listed below, even though they share the same names as the qualitative files. As a result, the new variables I create while coding the interviews are applied to the qualitative data set and are not added to the quantitative data set. Could you please help me resolve this issue?

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Camilla Heldt posted 3 months ago Admin

Dear Mili,

Thank you for your inquiry.

Please be informed, that we converted your issue into a ticket and will get back to you via e-mail as soon as possible.

We appreciate your patience and send best regards from the MAXQDA-Support-Team

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