Is my data safe when using MAXQDA Transcription?

Modified on Fri, 28 Jun 2024 at 02:51 PM

At our company, data protection is one of our core values and highest priorities. We implement rigorous security measures and best practices to safeguard the privacy and integrity of our customers’ data. We comply with all relevant laws and regulations, and we constantly monitor and update our policies and procedures to ensure the highest standards of data protection.

  • Audio or video files that you automatically transcribe in MAXQDA or via the MAXQDA Transcription website are processed exclusively on GDPR-compliant servers in the Netherlands and Germany (details about third-party providers processing data and the server locations used can be found on this overview page).
  • Your files are used exclusively for speech recognition and not for other purposes.

  • Your files are deleted immediately after the transcription is completed. The created transcripts are automatically deleted as soon as you download them, but no later than 7 days.

  • No personal data from the user account is sent to AI models.

  • Only encrypted connections are used for data transmission.

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