Error message “This is not a valid serial number for MAXQDA”

Modified on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 at 04:55 PM

Please check if the installed version of MAXQDA matches your license version. For example, you need to enter a MAXQDA 24 license to unlock an MAXQDA 24 installation. If the license is for MAXQDA 2022, the license cannot be used to unlock an installation of MAXQDA 24.

Please also check your serial number for typing errors.

You can recognize the version in the serial number:

MAXQDA 24: MQSI00-xxxxxx-xxxxx..., MQST00-xxx, MQSE00-xxx, MQNE00-xxx

MAXQDA 22: MQSI22-xxxxxx-xxxxxx... MQST22-xxx, MQSE22-xxx, MQNE22-xxxx

If you still receive this message, please contact the MAXQDA support.

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