Wo finde ich welche Informationen?

Geändert am Sat, 29 Jun 2024 um 10:56 AM

checke die englische seite für TeamCloud Admin, Verbi Verify, Subscription Manager von CB und MAXQDA Subscription Manager



  • Organisation

  • Reseller

  • User


  • Is a license activated?

Open image-20240607-122051.png
  • Is the license active and valid? (Gültig bis is nicht in der Vergangenheit und Lizenzstatus ist GRÜN)

  • Is it possible to upgrade the license? (Uprade möglich GRÜN)

  • Has the license been upgraded before? You find the information in the History Tab


  • If there is no information in the license page, then the pay hasn’t been read/imported yet.

Course licenses

  • Has a course license been generated and sent? 

    • Datenpflege > Versendete E-Mails


Brevo Customer Service

Has the student verification mail be sent?

Why could the verification mail not be received? Has it been rejected, blocked? 

Has the free trial email been sent?

Brevo TeamCloud

Has the email to verify the MAXQDA Account been sent?

When has the MAXQDA Account been created? 

Has the MAXQDA account been verified?

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